Bachelor of Science in
Biology (with a secondary teacher certification track)
College / School
School of Teacher Education
Program / Major / Certificate
Bachelor of Science in Biology (With a Secondary Teacher Education
Certification Track)
Assessment Coordinator(s)
Dr. K. Mosley
Has there been a change to the Assessment Coordinator(s) since the last
assessment plan? Yes
Person(s) responsible for writing and/or submitting this report:
Dr. M. Munday
The mission of the
School of Teacher Education is to prepare and empower professional educators
with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to teach all students in a global,
diverse educational setting; to provide inclusive learning environments; and to
demonstrate ethical behaviors.
Has this mission statement been revised since the last plan? Yes
1. Content and Pedagogical Knowledge: Teacher candidates will possess induction level content and pedagogical knowledge as demonstrated by the ability to address state and local curricula and standards that meet the needs of all students through relevant learning experiences.
2. Instruction: Planning, Strategies, Differentiation, and Technology. Teacher candidates will use research-based, instructional strategies and technologies that are relevant to the content and that address individual learning needs and interests to actively engage learners in higher-order and critical thinking.
3. Assessment: Strategies and Use of Data. Teacher candidates will be able to design and select varied diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment tools and strategies that are appropriate for the content and student population and use technology to analyze and develop data-driven solutions to improve instruction and provide constructive feedback to students, parents, and stakeholders.
4. Supportive and Challenging Learning Environment: Teacher candidates will be able to create and maintain a supportive, student-centered academic environment in which learners are challenged and encouraged to become self-directed and reflective learners to achieve at their full potential.
5. Professionalism and Communication: Teacher candidates will exhibit professional ethics and the dispositions expected of an educator through professional development, communication and collaboration with colleagues, and engagement with students and the school community.
The PSLOs were reviewed and revised to align more closely with the mission of the program and to be measurable. Given the program just began in 2013 and admitted students in spring 2014, the outcomes required review after enactment. Previously the outcomes were written as goals with multiple objectives under each goal that were not clearly measurable nor aligned with the standards set forth by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission, which includes in TASC standards.
Semester |
Professor |
Courses |
Assessment Artifacts and Instruments |
Target Levels |
Results and Analysis of Results |
Actions in Response to Results |
Academic Engagement and Achievement |
1. Content and Pedagogical Knowledge: Teacher candidates will possess induction level content and pedagogical knowledge as demonstrated by the ability to address state and local curricula and standards that meet the |
Fall 2015 |
A .Moore |
BIED 4416 Teaching in Biology |
Final Exam - Answer Key |
70% of students enrolled will achieve 70% |
TARGET 1 MET 100% of enrolled students achieved >70%. The assignments designed to measure the level of achievement for PSLO 1 through analyzing a professional teacher and identifying the state standards being addressed, employing varying instructional strategies and technology usage in the classroom. |
Spring 2016 |
M. Munday |
EDUC 2120 Social and Cultural Influence of Teach & Learn |
Midterm Exam - Writing Rubric |
TARGET NOT MET 55.56 % of students received >70%higher on writing assignment rubric on midterm |
Spring 2016 |
M. Munday |
EDUC 2120 Social and Cultural Influence of Teach & Learn |
Midterm Exam - Answer Key |
TARGET 2 NOT MET 55.56% of enrolled students achieved >70% |
Academic Engagement and Achievement |
2. Instruction: Planning, Strategies, Differentiation, and Technology: Teacher candidates will use research-based, instructional strategies and technologies that are relevant to the content and that address individual learning |
Spring 2016 |
A. Moore |
BIED 4416 Teaching in Biology |
Microteaching - Microteaching Rubric |
70% of students enrolled will achieve 70% |
TARGET MET 100% of enrolled students achieved >70%. |
Academic Engagement and Achievement |
3. Assessment: Strategies and Use of Data: Teacher candidates will be able to design and select varied diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment tools and strategies that are appropriate for the content and student population and use technology to analyze and develop data-driven solutions to improve instruction and provide constructive feedback to students, parents, and stakeholders. |
Spring 2016 |
K. Cunningham |
EDUC 3200 Curriculum and Assessment |
Test Development - Test Creation Rubric |
70% of enrolled students will achieve >70% |
TARGET MET 100% of enrolled students achieved >70%. |
Academic Engagement and Achievement |
4. Supportive and Challenging Learning Environment: Teacher candidates will be able to create and maintain a supportive, student-centered academic environment in which learners are challenged and encouraged to become self-directed and reflective learners to achieve at their full potential. |
Spring 2016 |
K.Cunningham |
EDUC 3200 Curriculum and Assessment |
Test Development - Test Creation Rubric |
70% of enrolled students will achieve >70% |
TARGET MET 100% of enrolled students achieved >70%. |
Academic Engagement and Achievement |
5. Professionalism and Communication: Teacher candidates will exhibit professional ethics and the dispositions expected of an educator through professional development, communication and collaboration with colleagues, and engagement with students and the school community. |
Spring 2016 |
A. Moore |
BIED 4417 Methods Management in Biology Education |
Personal Model of Teaching Self-discipline Scores |
70% of students enrolled will achieve 70% |
TARGET MET All students earned 100% |
PO Goal |
Enabling Strategies |
Measures |
Targets |
Results and Analysis of Results |
Actions in Response to Results |
Priority 1. Academic Engagement & Achievement:
Advancing knowledge through research, scholarship, and creative inquiry
1. Provide an educator preparation program that enables students to possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to be effective teachers.
1.a. Hold monthly curriculum audits and assessment meetings to review program curricula and student data on the GACE and student eportfolios .
1.b. Increase uniformity and consistency in education coursework
1.a. Pass rates on the GACE content assessments.
1.b. Overall education studentsÔøΩ performance as measured by GPA at time of graduation.
1.c. Develop common templates for curricular reviews and analysis of student performance data
1.d. Identify key assessments
1.e. Map curriculum to program learning outcomes and GaPSC standards
1.a. 80% of students who take GACE content assessments will pass on the first attempt.
1.b. 80% of graduates will complete the program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
1.c. Syllabus and eportfolio templates will be developed.
1.d. Education courses and methods courses will have identified key assessments.
1.e. Curriculum across three concentration areas will be mapped to program learning outcomes and to standards set forth by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.
TARGET MET 1.a. 100% of students who took content assessments (n=7) exceeded the target in the three EPP certification content areas (see PO 1. 1.a. Evidence)
1.b. 75% of program graduates (n=4) exceeded the target; average GPA was 3.16 for the four graduates. (see PO 1. 1.b. Evidence)
1.c. A syllabus template and an eportfolio template were developed. (see PO 2. 2.a Evidence).
1.d. Key assessments are still being identified with most foundation courses in education, math, and intern teaching completed across all three programs.
1.e. Education foundation and methods courses will next be aligned in course syllabi (micro-level) and curriculum mapping for all programs (macro-level) is underway to conduct an analysis of gaps or overlaps in the education foundation courses at the program level and to ensure uniformity of key assessments regardless of who teaches the courses . |
OVERALL: TARGET MET Description of projected use of results from the 2013-2014 academic year that is being addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: There were no program completers in 2013-2014, one during in 2014-2015, three in 2015-2016, and five as of December 2016. Not all graduates took the GACE content assessments to date. Because data continue to be limited, it was difficult to determine the significance of current data related to GACE content assessments. Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2015-2016 academic year: Assessment data were slowly increasing with slightly increased enrollments in math and biology. A BSED was developed and approved to be offered during 2015-2016 (see PO 2.2.b. Evidence). A post-baccalaureate program was developed but not completed. Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2016-2017 academic year: With the hiring of a permanent dean in August 2016, a new program assessment coordinator was appointed and a SOTE Assessment Committee formed as was a SOTE Curriculum Committee led by a faculty chair charged with curriculum development oversight. Bi-monthly meetings are held to review assessment processes and data, as well as to develop new programming to attract larger enrollments. Curriculum mapping and a uniform assessment reporting system are being implemented to ensure alignment with PSLOs and GaPSC standards and to identify gaps or overlaps in the curriculum based on curriculum audits and student performance data. The new program assessment coordinator for SOTE will have access to all data systems in 2016-2017 to pull reports for data reviews in assessment meetings. |
Priority 5. Technological Competitiveness: Supporting a technologically advanced living and learning environment.
2. Provide on-going support to education students to increase the teaching force with educators who are well prepared to teach in the STEM areas.
2.a. Provide technology access to students in the Educator Preparation Program (EPP)
2.b. Engage education students with P-12 students in STEM related activities. |
2.a. Expand the STEM lab and continue to designate funds for the enhancement of SOTE for hardware and software purchases in the STEM education field
2.b. Expand a STEM Academy for P-12 students
2.a. Review space and funding for an expanded STEM Lab with additional equipment, if needed
2.b. Expand the STEM activities and the STEM Academy for P-12 students |
TARGET MET 2.a. A STEM Teaching and Learning Lab was established in 2014-2015 and expanded in 2015-2016 to a second lab space, a Research for Teaching and Learning Lab. Title III funds were reviewed to outfit the STEM Lab and equipment for Biology Education. Education students had greater access to ipads, laptops, video cameras, and clickers for use in the field. Two ipad carts for use in education classes and engineering technology hardware and kits were acquired for use in the labs and in education courses. (See evidence in 2014-2015 SOTE Program Outcome Report)
2.b. STEM Academy and STEM days were continued to engage education students with P-12 students, as well as STEM days throughout year (see evidence 2014-2015 SOTE Program Outcome Report) |
OVERALL: TARGET MET Description of projected use of results from the 2014-2015 academic year that is being addressed in the 2015-2016 academic year: A designated space and funding for equipment were needed to enhance the preparation of STEM educators and to garner interest in STEM among P-12 students and their teachers. A Title III grant was utilized primarily to address those needs and to outfit a second lab. Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2015-2016 academic year: With the addition of two well-equipped STEM lab and technology access for education students, STEM Academy and STEM days were implemented so that pre-service teachers could gain greater experience in working with P-12 students prior to clinical practice. A second lab space was designated to expand the facilities and programs. Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2016-2017 academic year: The second lab was furnished and greater access was provided to equipment after a review of equipment purchased to date—an I pad cart is being relocated to the STEM Teaching and Learning Lab and the Research in Teaching and Learning Lab will also house additional non-technology resources and laptops to promote research-based practices to pre-service and in-service practicing teachers. Additional uses are being considered, such as a Family STEM night and community-based programs to be addressed in 2016-2017 |
Priority 1. Academic Engagement and Achievement: Diversifying academic programs and enhancing academic quality |
3. Provide opportunities for students to succeed on qualifying certification assessments.
3.a. Review GACE results and provide GACE preparation opportunities and instruction based on results.
3.b. Provide support to students needing additional preparation. |
3.a. Raise passing scores in the program admission GACE by providing opportunities for GACE preparation to education students.
3.b. Integrate GACE preparation into education courses. |
3.a. Increase opportunities for more targeted GACE preparation.
3.b. Adapt courses to integrate GACE preparation into instruction.
3.b. Students were scheduled for practice sessions on this software.
3.c. Practice booklets, available from GACE, were provided to students.
3.d. Specific class sessions were designated for GACE-based instruction within designated education foundation courses.
3.e. Diagnostic assessments were administered to students in these sessions, and targeted instruction was provided based on results.
3.f. Tutoring sessions were provided to students with diagnosed deficits. |
OVERALL: TARGET MET Description of projected use of results from the 2014-2015 academic year that is being addressed in the 2015-2016 academic year: Baseline results in GACE admission test scores show that in 2014-2015 10 examinees took the GACE program admission tests in reading, writing, and math resulting in a combined pass rate of 60% (with state rate being 58%) with 6 students passing. In comparing this baseline data with 2015-2016 data, 15 examinees resulted in a combined test pass rate of 67% (state rate of 57%) with 10 students passing. Attendance at voluntary sessions for preparation showed that students were not maximizing the use of available resources to prepare for the GACE admission tests. While software was purchased and voluntary preparation sessions were offered, students did not attend these sessions or the computers were not available. Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2015-2016 academic year: Additional laptops for practice were obtained with Title III funds and moved to the labs. Because students did not always attend voluntary preparation sessions, instructional time in class was designated for GACE preparation. Diagnostic assessments were added to provide targeted instruction. For those students with more extensive deficits, tutoring sessions were scheduled with faculty. Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2016-2017 academic year: More structured GACE preparation for the entry level testing continues to be a need and is being reviewed as to how to integrate this into coursework OR to offer a mandatory GACE prep course. More strategies to integrate GACE-based instruction into the existing curriculum are being explored. A student assistant to serve as a tutor is being proposed, as are the formation of formal study groups. These will be explored further and piloted, depending on the final determination of the structures needed, during 2016-2017. |
Priority 2. Community and Economic Development: Enhancing sustainable partnerships and alliances |
4. Develop and maintain collaborative partnerships with local and regional schools, school districts, and community stakeholders that inform the preparation of teachers and educational practice.
4.a. Renew existing MOUs with local and regional P-12 schools.
4.b. Develop new or expanded partnerships with P-12 schools by placing the Field and Clinical Experience Coordinator in charge of these initiatives.
4.c. Review and revise the SOTE internal and external advisory councils and committees (n=6) |
4.a. Renew existing MOUs
4.b. Expand partnership activities, including seeking and applying for partnership grants in the area of STEM, participating in joint professional development activities, and/or establishing new PD schools.
4.c. Form a more consolidated and active P-20 structure to function in a collaborative manner. |
4.a. Renew all existing MOUs
4.b. Establish at least one new partnership activity.
4.c. Form a P-20 Partnership Collaborative |
TARGET MET 4.a. All current MOUs were renewed.
4.b. The Dean of SOTE and the Field and Clinical Experience Coordinator attend community events and P-20 collaborative meetings, initiate contact with P-12 school leaders to strengthen partnerships and explore new activities with SOTE faculty, and serve on a task force to expand an existing middle level school, Oglethorpe Charter School (OCS), the professional development school (PDS) for SOTE to add high school level programming to its charter. Faculty attend events with the teachers and administrators at the PDS and are engaged in an initiative to provide professional development to low-performing schools in collaborative with PDS staff.
4.c. A new P-20 Partnership Collaborative is under formation and the Field and Clinical Experience Coordinator is charged with making this a vibrant and active group. |
OVERALL: TARGET MET Description of projected use of results from the 2013-2014 academic year that is being addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: MOUs were developed with the launch of SOTE in 2013. With the addition of a Field and Clinical Experience Coordinator position, a PDS was developed. Grants were obtained in partnership with other institutions and continued during the 2015-2016 academic year to include: Noyce Scholarship Program (NSF funded through 2019) and CORE – Collaborative Regional Education - Investing in Innovation (i3) ; Grant Sub-agreement with Jacksonville State University (2014-2017) (see SOTE 2014-2015 Program Outcomes report for evidence of grants). Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2014-2015 academic year: A STEM Academy continued as outreach to the community and private and public school students, (see SOTE 2014-2015 Assessment Report evidence). A summer tutoring program at Oglethorpe Charter School, the PDS for SSU teacher candidates, was provided through the Noyce Scholarship Program grant and is being expanded into the academic year at the request of OCS. An MOU has been developed and is being signed.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2015-2016 academic year: The Field and Clinical Experience Coordinator had an expanded role in developing partnerships and promoting SOTE with greater community engagement. The coordinator develops programs for various events, such as Homecoming and American Education Week, which engage practicing educators and alumni in the community with SOTE students and faculty. The P-20 Collaborative Partnership needs development so it becomes an active advisory community group. This is being reformed in fall 2016 with meetings to be held in spring 2017. |